Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION - TM-10-5410-221-240037Air-Lock ChamberFigure 1-1. Expandable shelter - TM-10-5410-221-240039Figure 1-2. Plan view of expandable shelterFigure 1-3. Expandable shelter electrical systemFigure 1-4. Power input panel and water service boxFigure 1-5. Power output panel assemblyFigure 1-5. Power output panel assembly.Identification and Tabulated Data - TM-10-5410-221-240045Differences in ModelsFigure 1-6. Power distribution panel assembly (sheet 2 of 2) - TM-10-5410-221-240047Figure 1-6. Power distribution panel assembly (sheet 2 of 2) - TM-10-5410-221-240048Figure 1-9. Water box interior connections and sump installationFigure 1-10. Water outlet panel with hose assemblies attached.Chapter 2 ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONFigure 2-1. Daily preventive maintenance services.Weekly Preventive Maintenance ServicesFigure 2-2. Weekly preventive maintenance servicesSection IV. TROUBLESHOOTINGSection VI. FIELD EXPEDIENT REPAIRSSection VII. GENERAL FABRIC REPAIR PROCEDURESApplication of Adhesive cont'dTable 2-2. Blind Rivet Selection ChartFigure 2-3. Rivet inspection.Figure 2-4. Typical insert installationSection IX. GENERAL HONEYCOMB PANEL REPAIRFigure 2-5. Typical honeycomb panel repairSection X. ELECTRICAL SYSTEMFigure 2-6. Electric power cable assemblies.Figure 2-6. Electric power cable assembliesConvenience Receptacle TestFigure 2-8. Fluorescent light assembly-disassembly (sheet 1 of 2)Power Distribution Panel Assembly TestFigure 2-8. Fluorescent light assembly-disassembly (sheet 2 of 2)Section XI. SHELTER ACCESSORIESFigure 2-9. Shelter accessories disassembly.Figure 2-9-Continued.Air-Lock AdapterJack Assemblies (Fixed End)Figure 2-10. Air-lock chamber partial disassembly.Figure 2-10--Continued.Figure 2-11. Jack assemblies removal.Figure 2-11 - ContinuedFigure 2-12. Cargo tie down installationAir Duct AdapterFigure 2-13. Conditioned air system removalFigure 2-13--Continued.Section XIII. SHELTER WATER SYSTEMCheck Valve - TM-10-5410-221-240085Check Valve - TM-10-5410-221-240086Figure 2-14-Continued.Section XIV. EXPANDABEL SHELTER REPAIR KITFigure 2-15. Repair kit - TM-10-5410-221-240090Figure 2-15--Continued.CHAPTER 3 SHIPMENT AND LIMITED STORAGE AND DEMOLITION TO PREVENT ENEMY USEFigure 3-1. Shelter handling pointsPreparation of Equipment for Shipment - TM-10-5410-221-240095Section II. DEMOLITION TO PREVENT ENEMY USECHAPTER 4 DIRECT AND GENERAL SUPPORT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - TM-10-5410-221-240097Chapter 5 GENERAL MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONSInstallation of Sewn Fabric PartsFigure 5-1. Air-lock components sewing (sheet 1 of 2)Figure 5-1. Air-lock components sewing (sheet 2 of 2)Section VI. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM TESTFigure 5-2. Electrical system test points (sheet 1 of 2)Figure 5-2. Electrical system test points (sheet 2 of 2)J-4 60 cyclesRemove jumperChapter 6 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM REPAIR INSTRUCTIONSFigure 6-2. 400 Hertz power is harness assemblyFigure 6-3. 400 Hertz power out harness assembly60 Hertz (power in) Harness and Connector AssemblyFigure 6-4. 60 Hertz power in harness assemblyFigure 6-5. 60 Hertz power out harness assembly.Figure 6-6. Surgical and air-lock lights harness assembly.Figure 6-7. Fluorescent lights junction box disassemblyFigure 6-8. Fluorescent lights junction box disassemblyFigure 6-9. Fluorescent lights male harness assemblyFigure 6-10. Fluorescent lights receptacle box assemblySurgical Lights Wire Harness AssembliesWater Box Heater Harness AssemblyFigure 6-11. Surgical lights receptacle box disassemblyFigure 6-12. Surgical lights receptacle box disassemblyFigure 6-13. Underfloor heaters power harness assemblyFigure 6-14. Water box heaters harness assemblyFigure 6-15. Heater assemblies-disassemblyFigure 6-15-Continued.Remote Temperature AssemblyFigure 6-16. Water line heaters harness assemblyHumidifier Wiring Harness AssemblySpecial Purpose Cable (Telephone)Figure 6-18. Humidifier wiring harness assemblyTable 6-1. Loose Wire Assemblies Wiring CharTable 6-1. Loose Wire Assemblies Wiring Chart-Continued - TM-10-5410-221-240134Table 6-1. Loose Wire Assemblies Wiring Chart-Continued - TM-10-5410-221-240135Figure 6-19. Special purpose cable (telephone) removal and disassemblyFigure 6-19 -Continued.Section III. LIGHT ASSEMBLIES AND CONVENIENCE RECEPTACLESRemoval - TM-10-5410-221-240139Figure 6-20. Air-lock light assembly disassemblyFigure 6-21. Electrical convenience receptacle disassembly60 Hertz Wiring Harness AssemblyTable 6-2. Distribution Box Assembly Wiring ChartFigure 6-22. Distribution box assembly disassembly (sheet 3 of 7)Figure 6-22 -Continued.Figure 6-22. Distribution box assembly (sheet 4 of 7)Figure 6-22--Continued. - TM-10-5410-221-240147Figure 6-22. Distribution box assembly disassembly (sheet 5 of 7)Figure 6-22--Continued. - TM-10-5410-221-240149Figure 6-22. Distribution box assembly disassembly (sheet 6 of 7Sterilizer Wiring Harness Assemblies - TM-10-5410-221-240151Figure 6-22. Distribution box assembly disassembly (sheet 7 of 7)Figure 6-22-Continued.Figure 6-23. 60Hz wiring harness assemblyX-Ray Wiring Harness Assembly - TM-10-5410-221-240155Figure 6-24. 400 Hertz wiring harness assemblyWater Line Heater Harness AssemblyFigure 6-25. Sterilizer wiring harness assemblyHumidifier Harness AssemblyFigure 6-26. X-ray wiring harness assemblyWire and Terminal Assemblies - TM-10-5410-221-240161Figure 6-27. Water line wiring assembly harness assemblyFigure 6-28. Humidifier wiring harness assemblyFigure 6-29. Remote temperature wiring harness assemblyFigure 6-30. Wire and terminal assembliesCB3, CBll1, and CB14 Circuit BreakersCB10 Circuit BreakerCB17, CB18, and CB19 Circuit BreakersTB2 Terminal BoardTB5 Terminal BoardCHAPTER 7 SHELTER ACCESSORIESFigure 7-1. Air-lock chamber disassemblyFigure 7-2. Air-lock chamber door disassemblyFabric Body AssemblyFigure 7-3. Air-lock chamber fabric body disassemblyFigure 7-4. Blackout curtain disassembly.CHAPTER 8 CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMRemoval - TM-10-5410-221-240178CHAPTER 9 WATER SYSTEMRepair and OverhaulInstallation - TM-10-5410-221-240181Figure 9-1. Plumbing system installation disassembly.Figure 9-1 -ContinuedSection II. EXTERNAL WATER AND DRAIN HOSE ASSEMBLIES - TM-10-5410-221-240184CHAPTER 10 SHELTER BODY ASSEMBLYFigure 10-1. Shelter body assembly identification.Folding Floor Jack AssembliesFigure 10-2. Swinging door panel assemblies-disassembly.Figure 10-2 Continued.Disassembly - TM-10-5410-221-240190Folding End Panel Assemblies - TM-10-5410-221-240191Figure 10-4. Folding end panel assembly-disassemblyFolding End Panels W/Removable Panel - TM-10-5410-221-240193Assembly - TM-10-5410-221-240194Folding-Floor Panel AssembliesFigure 10-5. End panel disassembly (with removal pane)Folding roof panel assembly-disassembly - TM-10-5410-221-240197Folding roof panel assembly-disassembly - TM-10-5410-221-240198Figure 10-7. Folding floor panel assembly-disassembly.Figure 10-7 - Continued.Section II. FIXED PANEL ASSEMBLIES - TM-10-5410-221-240202Door Fixed End Panel Assembly - TM-10-5410-221-240203Figure 10-8. Fixed roof panel assembly-disassemblyFigure 10-8--ContinuedWater Box Assembly - TM-10-5410-221-240206Water Box Fixed End Panel Assembly - TM-10-5410-221-240207Figure 10-10. Water and electrical box assembly-disassemblyFixed Floor Panel Assembly - TM-10-5410-221-240209OverhaulFigure 10-12. Fixed floor panel assembly-disassembly.Section III. SHELTER BODY ASSEMBLY OVERHAUL - TM-10-5410-221-240213Shelter Air Leakage Test - TM-10-5410-221-240214Appendix REFERENCESAPPENDIX B MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (MAC) - TM-10-5410-221-240217Maintenance Functions - TM-10-5410-221-240218Explanation of Columns in the MAC, Section II - TM-10-5410-221-240219Explanation of Columns in the Tools and Test Equipment Requirements, Section III - TM-10-5410-221-240220Section II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART (MAC) FOR SHELTER, EXPANADBLE, RIGID CONSTRUCTION W/AIR-LOCKSection III. TOOLS AND TEST EQUIPOMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR SHELTER, EXPANADBLE, RIGID CONSTRUCTION W/AIR-LOCKFigure 17. Expandable shelter electrical system schematic.Figure 6-1. Shelter harness assemblies removal.Figure 6-22. Distribution box assembly-disassembly (sheet 1 of 7).Figure 6-22. Distribution box assembly-disassembly (sheet 2 of 7).Figure 10-3. Side panel assembly disassembly.Figure 10-6. Folding roof panel assembly disassembly.Figure 10-9. Fixed end panel assembly disassembly.Figure 10-11. Fixed end panel (water box) assembly.TM-10-5410-221-24 Shelter Expandable Rigid Construction With Air-Lock (Zero Manufacturing Corp. Model SEU-2) FSN 5410-833-8387 Manual