TM 10-5410-221-24
b. Convenience Receptacle Test.
the three ballast attach points. Remove nuts (11, 12),
lock washers (13), ground lead (14), washers (15), barrel
continuity of receptacle wires using a continuity light,
nuts (16) and power leads (17, 18). Remove terminal
multimeter, or other continuity checking device. Refer to
board (19).
figure 1-7 for receptacle wire routing and terminal
(5) Remove nut (20) and washer (21) from
identification. Continuity must exist through receptacle
wires. Note. Refer any defects found during above test
opposite end of ballast (22) and remove ballast (22) and
bar connector.
to direct support maintenance level.
c. Assembly. Assemble the fluorescent light
assembly in reverse order of disassembly using figure 2-
Fluorescent Light Assemblies
d. Installation. Install fluorescent light assembly
(1) Turn off input power to fluorescent light
in reverse order of removal using figure 2-8 as a guide.
assembly by pulling out area light circuit breaker (CB8).
(2) Loosen (about one-half inch) but do not
Power Input and Power Output Panel
remove completely screws (1, fig. 2-8) allowing light
assembly (2) to be lowered from flange assembly (3)
exposing power in- put terminals (4) and ground
terminal (5).
a. General.
The input and output panel
(3) Remove input power leads (6) from input
assemblies consist of a 400 Hertz input and output
power terminals (4) and ground terminal (5). Remove
connectors (J1 and J2) and a 60 Hertz input and output
screws (1) to allow repair or replacement on bench or
connectors (J3 and J4). The input panel assembly is
table top.
mounted adjacent to the water box assembly at the
b. Disassembly. Disassemble fluorescent light
bottom center of the front fixed end panel. The output
assembly (2) to repair or replace damaged parts by
panel assembly is mounted midway up the rear fixed end
observing sequence of index numbers assigned to figure
panel assembly adjacent to the access door (fig. 1-4 and
2-8 and observing the following.
b. Panel Assemblies Test. Check continuity of
behind wire group with thumb and forefinger. Push
input and output connectors and cables using a
connector in direction of arrow impressed on side of
continuity light, multimeter or other continuity checking
connector and depress spring, allowing opposite end of
device. (Continuity must exist between the 400 Hertz
connector bar to be lifted free of lamp end.
input connector J1 and output connector J2 and 60 Hertz
Warning: In the event of lamp break- age,
input connector J3 to output connector J4.) Refer to
figure 1-7 for wire routing and terminal identification.
care must be taken in the removal of broken glass
Note. Refer any defects found during the
fragments and white phosphorous dust that may be
dispersed within the fixture. Excessive inhalation of
phosphorus dust must be avoided.
Power Distribution Pane! Assembly
(2) Remove screws (7) and rotate lamp (10),
left hand mount channel (8) and right hand mount
a. General.
The power distribution panel
channel (9) to approximately 450 angle.
assembly is mounted above the rear access door. It
(3) Slightly spread the mount channels (8, 9)
contains the shelter circuit breaker panel, an emergency
in direction of the arrows using care not be deform the
light, terminal boards and wire and harness assemblies
lamp case at the mount channel pivot and remove lamp
(10) by sliding from mount channels (8, 9) in direction of
the arrow.
(4) Detach bar connector from lamp exposing