TM 10-5410-221-24
e. Interior Ceiling. Interior ceiling shall b primed
examine the tested area for any paint damage such as
removal of paint at one of the layers of the finishing
with one coat of Epoxy Primer, o equivalent (catalyze per
system or removal of the entire system from the surface.
manufacturer's in structions). Air dry 18 hours or 30
Test panels may be used.
minutes a 1500 to 3000F. Dry film thickness shall b 0.3
(4) Touch-up after test. Areas which have
to 0.4 mil. Apply two finish coats Epoxy Base, Semi-
been used for testing shall be refinished to equal as
Gloss Green, or equivalent (catalyze per manufacturer's
nearly as possible the original finish requirement. The
instructions). Air dry 18 hours or 30 minutes at 150 to
color of touched up areas shall be reasonably close to
3000F. Dry film shall be 1.2 0.2 mils per coat. Color:
that of the surrounding area.
match per Federal Standard 595 No. 24554
f. Quality Control Requirements (1) A sufficient
number of parts shall b examined to assure acceptable
Shelter Air Leakage Test
quality of finish ing on all parts. In general, the criteria
listed in steps (2) and (3) shall be evaluated Properties or
a. General. The shelter shall be tested on a
performance characteristics other than those shown
yearly basis for air leakage to determine correct
below may be required by applicable drawings or other
installation and integrity of the seal assemblies.
authoritative documents.
b. Test Procedure.
(2) The finish in all types shall show no visual
(1) Apply an internal pressure of 0.4 inches of
indication of alligatoring, blistering chalking, checking,
water (gage) to the shelter using a barometer or other
cracking, crawling flaking, lifting, peeling, or sealing. The
suitable pressure gage to determine pressure level.
finish shall exhibit no sags, runs, skips, shading dusting,
(2) Leakage from the shelter shall not exceed
or dry overspray.
60 standard cubic feet per minute.
(3) Adhesion test shall be conducted on
c. Repair. If test in step b above is unsatisfactory
finished parts at regular intervals. The test shall be
make the following checks and correct if required.
conducted on a sufficient number of parts selected at
(1) Inspect for loose window assemblies on
random to assure maintenance of a satisfactory level of
doors. Replace or repair as required.
adhesion on all parts In performing this test, it is
(2) Inspect water inlet, drain, and vacuum
suggested that 6 plastic or wood stylus be used to
lines where they enter shelter for damaged or missing
scratch the( paint films. A metal stylus may be used, but
potting compound. Repot if required using RTV rubber,
extreme care must be exercised to avoid dam aging the
or equivalent.
basic surface of the part. Several parallel scratches shall
(3) Check seal assemblies around doors for
be made approximately one-sixteenth inch apart. Apply
leakage, and reposition or replace as required.
a one inch wide strip of tape, adhesive side down over
(4) Check panel assemblies seals for proper
the scratches. Only newly manufactured tape less then
installation or damage. Repair or replace as required.
six months old shall be used. Press the tape down with
(5) Check seals on removable panel
a firm pressure of the hand. Remove the tape in one
assemblies for damage or improper installation. Replace
abrupt action and
or repair as required.