TM 10-5410-221-24
(3) Disconnect telephone inlet line from
regularly scheduled preventive maintenance services
telephone jack.
and inspect as specified herein. Visual inspection of the
(4) Disconnect 400 Hertz and 60 Hertz cables
shelter in limited storage must consist of at least a walk-
around examination of the equipment to observe any
as applicable.
Disconnect emergency light power
deficiencies that may have occurred. Inspect equipment
supply, if indicates Store cables and power supply.
in open storage weekly and that in covered storage
(5) If applicable, disconnect surgery light
Immediately after any severe storm or
power supply and humidistat.
environmental change inspect all equipment. Record all
(6) Detach, disassemble, and stack for
deficiencies and short-comings together with corrective
storage all Medical Corps equipment in accordance with
action taken, on DA Form 2404. Keep equipment in an
instructions on instruction placard located on inside of
optimum state of readiness.
Accomplish required
access door. Secure equipment with applicable tie down
services and repairs as expeditiously as possible.
apparatus in accordance with instructions placard.
Whenever possible, perform all maintenance "on-site."
(7) Disconnect and store conditioned air
To assure utilization of all assigned materiel, rotate
shelters in accordance with any rotational plan that will
d. Inspection and Maintenance of Equipment in
keep equipment in an operational condition and reduce
Limited Storage. After equipment has been placed in
maintenance effort.
limited storage, suspend all
(2) Slash electrical wires, cables, cords, hose,
and fabric.
The expandable shelter will be destroyed only if it is in
(3) Remove easily removable assemblies.
danger of being captured and use by the enemy, and
(4) Punch holes in sump drain.
only upon the order of the unit commander.
(5) Destroy electrical controls and lights.
(6) If a stream is nearby, throw loose parts
into the water. Bury or scatter remaining parts.
Destroy the same parts on all similar equipment to
If demolition
prevent enemy use through cannibalization.
explosives are available, charges should be placed in the
a. Destruction by Hand.
following areas.
(1) Use sledge hammers, axes, crowbars or
(1) Inside of shelter.
any other heavy tools to smash the components.
(2) Inside water service box.