TM 10-5410-224-14
1. Ring and stud assembly
4. Fastener (5)
2. Fastener (6)
5. Fitting
3. Fastener (2)
6. Rivet (58)
(4) Removal and replacement of personnel and
(c) Remove two screws (3), lock washers (4)
right and left cargo doors (fig. 3-21 and 3-24). To
and flat washers (5).
remove and replace personnel and right and left
(d) Remove 22 rivets (1) and 5 fasteners (2)
cargo doors (8), proceed as follows:
to separate hinge (12) from panel,
(a) Remove two screws (10) and washers
(e) Remove hinge spacer (6).
(11) from door hinge (12).
(f) Replace hinge spacer (6) and hinge (12)
(b) Remove 25 rivets (9) to separate door
by securing both to panel using two screws (3),
assembly (8) from door hinge (12).
lock washers (4) and flat washers (5), 22 rivets (1)
and five fasteners (2).
(g) Attach door assembly (8) to hinge (12)
replacement procedures.
using 25 rivets (9).