TM 10-5410-224-14
(b) Remove six screws (6) to detach thread
(2) Removal and replacement of floor support
plate (7 or 8).
(c) Attach thread plate (7 or 8) to center
support angle (19), proceed as follows:
structure floor panel using six screws (6).
(a) Remove 26 fasteners (18) to detach floor
(d) Secure thread plate (7 or 8) using rivets
support angle (19).
(4 and 5) and fasteners (3).
(b) Replace floor support angle (19) by
(5) Removal and replacement of hinge and
securing to center structure floor panel using 26
thermal barrier (fig. 11- 1). To remove and replace
fasteners (18).
hinge (32) and thermal barrier (28 or 29), proceed
(3) Removal and replacement of support plate
as follows:
(fig. 11- 1). To
remove and replace support plate
(a) Remove rivets (31) and fasteners (30) to
(25), proceed as follows:
detach hinge (32).
(a) Remove 20 rivets (23 and 24) and six
fasteners (20) securing support plate (25).
replacement proced ures.
replacement procedures.
(b) Remove rivets (27) to separate thermal
(b) Remove four screws (21) and washers
barrier (28 oor 29) from hinge (32).
(22) to detach support plate (25).
(c) Replace thermal barrier (28 or 29) by
(c) Replace support plate (25) by attaching
securing to hinge (32) using rivets (27).
to center structure floor panel using four screws
(d) Replace hinge (32) by securing to center
(21) and washers (22).
structure floor panel using rivets (31) and fasteners
(d) Install 20 rivets (23 and 24) and six
fasteners (20) to secure support plate (25).
(6) Removal and replacement of floor skid
(4) Removal and replacement of thread plate
(fig. 11- 1). To remove
and replace thread plate (7
or 7), proceed as follows:
or 8), proceed as follows:
(a) Remove screws (1 and 3) and washers
(a) Remove rivets (4 and 5) and fasteners
(2) to detach floor skid (5, 6, or 7).
(3) securing thread plate (7 or 8).
(b) Replace floor skid (5, 6, or 7) by
securing to center structure floor panel using
screws (1 and 3) and washers (2).
replacement procedures.