TM 10-5410-224-14
8. Circuit breaker (11)
1. Screw (8)
circuit breaker panel and secure using attaching
9. Circuit breaker
2. Nut (8)
screws and washers.
3. Washer (8)
(5) Reconnect five cables to top of circuit
11. Screw (8)
4. Switch (4)
12. Washer (8)
breaker panel.
5. Grommet
13. Washer (8)
6. Circuit breaker panel assembly
14. Insert (8)
7. Circuit breaker (2)
Site power must be reconnected by a
qualified electrician.
(2) Secure circuit breaker panel to shelter wall
(6) Reconnect site power to expandable shelter
using eight screws (11, fig. 4-7) and washers (12
and 13).
(7) Set all circuit breakers on circuit breaker
(3) Reconnect five leads to circuit breaker CBI
panel to on position.
(8) Remove all tags.