TM 9-4931-374-13&P
b. Disconnection of Shop Set from Power Source.
(4) Disconnect cable adapter assembly (6) from mating connector
(7) on power distribution panel.
Do not connect or disconnect power cables when shop
It is not normally required that grounding rod (5), cable
set is energized.
adapter assembly (6), and two 120/208V cable
(1) De-energize shop set by placing circuit breaker on power
assemblies (1) be disconnected from each other. If
distribution panel connected to power source in OFF position.
disconnection is required, proceed to step (5).
disconnection is not required, omit steps (5), (6), (7), and
(2) Disconnect connector of 120/208V cable assembly (1) from
(8), and proceed to step (9).
receptacle J1 on power input panel (2) of shelter. Put dust
covers (3) on connectors (4).
(5) Unclamp wire of grounding rod (5) from terminal lug (8) of plug
connector (9).
(3) Pull grounding rod (5) out of ground.