TM 9-4931-374-13&P
Injury to personnel may result if pressure is not relieved
before beginning any maintenance on airhose.
(3) Connect quick-disconnect female coupling assembly (6) of
airhose to quick-disconnect male coupling assembly (7) on
outside shelter wall to the left of the personnel door. Then
connect compressed air source to quick disconnect male
f. Readying Miscellaneous Equipment.
coupling assembly (8) on end of airhose. The compressed air
source will be 150 psi (10.55 kg/cm ) maximum.
(1) Remove two straps (1) holding sorting file (2) to left table 3).
Place sorting file on wall shelving (4).
(4) If blackout conditions exist, turn blackout switch (9) located
above personnel door to BLACKOUT position.
(5) Remove hand tools from storage as required.
(2) Rotate machinist's vise (5), located on left table (3), 90 degrees
(6) Store all mounting hardware in storage chest.
counterclockwise to operating position (jaws parallel to table)
and tighten.