TM 10-8340-225-10
FLOOR. Install the floor, white side up, by simply spreading it out inside the tent. Fasten the edges of the floor
to the walls using the buckles provided.
When floor is buckled to the walls, the excess floor material will gather.
Avoid tripping over these creases.
WALL LINER ASSEMBLY . Subsequent to the installation of the walls, liners may be desired. The liners are
designed to serve as insulation, as an outside wall during daylight hours and/or in hot weather (they breathe), and as
partial dividers or privacy walls between adjoining tents. To install the liners, follow these steps:
On those walls to receive liners be sure the velcro is secure and unfasten the buckles. Let the bottom half of
the buckles dangle free and out of the way.
The liners have velcro that will attach over the top of the walls and buckles that will match and attach to the top
half of the buckles just freed up in the previous step. Attach the liners between the legs of the frame and the walls
(the frame legs will be visible from inside the tent after the liner is installed.
Buckle the corners of the liners.
The entrance way liner should be opened if entry/exit is desired. Unfasten the buckles and velcro hook and pile
and roll vertically back from one side to the other. Buckles are provided to secure the liner open.