4-1. Preparation of Tent, Lightweight
Frame Type for Shipment
a. General. Detailed instructions for prepara-
tion of the tent, lightweight, frame type for
shipment, are contained in this paragraph.
b. Inspection. The tent will be inspected for
damage, corrosion, cleanliness and wet fabric.
In addition, see "Preventative Maintenance
Checks and Services" in this manual.
c. Cleaning and Drying. Tent sections to be
cleaned will be scrubbed with a soap and water
solution. The sections will be thoroughly dried
prior to packing.
d. Painting. Corrosion on the frame will be
removed by sanding. The bare areas resulting
from sanding will be coated with primer and
painted with same color enamel as original
e. Disassembly. The tent frame will be pack-
aged knocked down. Disassembly will be in a
manner to facilitate reassembly in the field.
f. Packaging.
(1) Exposed threads of eye-bolts, pro-
jecting screws and fittings will be protected
with waterproof pressure sensitive tape. Re-
moved hardware will be taped to the component
from which removed,
(2) Guy Assemblies and Arch Spacer As-
sembly. Each guy assembly and arch spacer
will be coiled and secured with tape or twine.
Place six guy assemblies and one arch assembly
in a fiberboard box. Seal the box with water-
proof pressure sensitive tape.
(3) Circuit Breaker Assembly. Package
each assembly as specified in paragraph 4-1(f)
(2) above.
(4) Lighting and Outlet Assembly. Pack-
age each lighting and outlet assembly as specifi-
ed in paragraph 4-1(f) (2) above.
g. Packaging.
(1) Each tent end section and intermediate
section will be neatly folded. All windows, doors,
window blackout flaps and heater duct openings
will be closed and secured before folding. Each
folded tent section will be packed in the cover
provided. Pack two tent lines with each inter-
mediate tent section.
Caution: Be sure windows are not in
fold line.
(2) Pack the disassembled tent frame com-
ponents in original shipping containers or re-
pack in suitable nailed wood, domestic type
boxes, refer to TM 38-230.
h. Marking. Shipping containers will be
marked in accordance with MIL-STD-129. Set
markings apply for shipment.
4-2. Preparation of Tent, lightweight,
Frame Type for Storage
a. The tent will be prepared for storage in
the manner specified in paragraph 4-1.
b. The tent should be stored in a warehouse
or shed. If it is necessary to store in open, the
tent will be stored on dunnage approximately
six inches from the ground; in a well drained
area protected from prevailing winds. In open
storage, the tents will be covered with tarpau-
lins or other suitable waterproof covers in a
manner to provide maximum protection from
the elements and prevent pooling of water.
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