Nylon bearing brackets
Winch shaft stub
Winch shaft sleeve
Winch sprocket
Nuts and lockwashers
Left end winch shaft
Shaft sleeve with drums
Winch drums
Right end winch shaft
Stud end of toggle pin
Toggle pin assembly
Figure 3-31Continued.
Drum socket
Machine screws and lockwashers
Cable clamp
Winch drum hole
3-20. Doorpost Assembly
a. General. The repair of the doorpost as-
sembly is limited to the replacement of the door
control arm, diagonal door control arm, toggle
pin assemblies, switchbox bracket, door control
arm lock, chain bolt control rod, rod retainer,
doorpost top assembly, and post assembly.
b. Door Control Arm Removal and Installa-
(1) Close the vehicle door (para 2-4).
(2) Untie and remove the door control
arm line (7, fig. 3-30) from the door control
arm plug (1).
(3) Remove the toggle pin (8) that se-
cures the diagonal door control arm (9) to the
door control arm.
(4) Pull the door control arm from the
doorpost gusset (2).
(5) Tie the door control arm line to the
plug in replacement door control arm,
(6) Insert the door control arm into the
doorpost gusset.
(7) Attach the diagonal door control arm
to the door control arm with the toggle pin and
chain assembly.
c. Diagonal Door Control Arm Removal and
(1) Remove the toggle pin (8) that se-
cures the diagonal door control arm (9) to the
door control arm (1).
(2) Remove the toggle pin that secures
the diagonal door control arm to the doorpost
top assembly bracket (5) and remove the di-
agonal door control arm.
(3) Secure either end of the replacement
diagonal door control arm to the doorpost
bracket with the toggle pin and chain assembly.
(4) Secure the other end of the diagonal
door control arm to the door control arm with
the toggle pin and chain assembly.
d. Toggle Pin and Chain Assembly Removal
and Installation.
(1) Remove the toggle pin (8, fig. 3-30)
that secures the diagonal door control arm (9)
to the doorpost top assembly bracket (5) or
door control arm (1).
(2) Cut the link attaching the assembly.
Remove the toggle pin, chain, and link.
(3) Insert the S-hook in the link of the
replacement assembly and in the door control
arm or doorpost top assembly bracket. Close
the S-hook ends.
(4) Insert the toggle pin in the appropri-
ate bracket and diagonal door control arm
connector and lock the toggle.
e. Switchbox Bracket Removal and Installa-
(1) Lift the circuit breaker from the
bracket (12, fig. 3-30).
(2) Remove the screws (14) from the
door control arm lock (13 ) and remove the
switchbox bracket.
(3) Install the switchbox bracket in re-
verse order of removal.
f. Door Control Arm Lock Removal and In-
(1) Raise the vehicle door (para 2-4).
(2) Remove the nut (18, fig. 3-30) and
capscrew (17) that secure the door control arm
lock (13) to the doorpost (6). Remove the door
control arm lock.
(3) Install the door control arm lock in
reverse order of removal.
g. Chain Bolt Control Rod Removal and In-
(1) Remove the screws (16, fig. 3-30)
that secure the rod retainer (15) to the door-
post (6) and remove the rod retainer.
(2) Open the loop of the rod (11) that is
connected to the chain bolt (10) and remove
the rod from the chain bolt.
(3) Install the chain bolt rod in reverse
order of removal.