TM 10-5411-224-14
4-21. GENERAL. No special preparation is required for shipment of the shelter other than making sure the correct sling
assembly is available and in good condition and the drain plug is loosened for air or rail transport.
4-22. LOADING. Shelters may be shipped in Type 1AA ANSI/ISO containers only when crated or pallet mounted. Block
crates or pallets securely in the container to prevent movement and damage during transit. Install the shelter in
accordance with TB 11-5400-200-14.
4-23. UNLOADING. Shelters may be unloaded in accordance with the instructions contained in paragraph 44, Service
Upon Receipt and TB 11-5400-200-14.
4-24. STORAGE. Accumulation of moisture within the shelter resulting from temperature and humidity fluctuations can
damage user installed equipment. Minimize moisture accumulation by keeping the shelter door and drain hole open
during indoor storage. During outdoor storage, keep doors and drain hole closed.
4-25. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR ADMINISTRATIVE STORAGE. Placement of equipment in administrative
storage should be for short periods of time when a shortage of maintenance effort exists. Items should be in mission
readiness within 24 hours or within the time factor requirement specified by the directing authority. During the storage
period, appropriate maintenance records will be kept.
Before placing equipment in administrative storage, current maintenance services and Equipment Serviceable Criteria
(ESC) evaluations should be completed, shortcomings and deficiencies should be corrected, and all Modification Work
Orders (MWOs) should be applied.
Storage site selection. Inside storage is preferred for items selected for administrative storage. If inside storage is not
available, trucks, vans, conex containers and other containers may be used.
4-37/(4-38 blank)