TM 10-5410-229-13&P
d. Extreme Heat.
The plain and window walls and/or window flap fabric may be rolled up to provide ventilation. To roll up
window flaps or plain and window walls, follow these steps.
Open the inner and outer window flaps. The extreme out side flap is fabric and the inner flap is a plastic
window. Roll the outer flap UNDER, so that moisture does not gather. There are two ties provided to secure
the outer window flap.
Roll up the plain and/or window walls. Roll these walls UNDER, so that moisture does not accumulate. There
are four buckles on the inside and outside of the walls to secure the plain and window walls.
Open the entrance way door and tie back.
Wall liner assemblies can be used in place of wall assemblies during daylight hours.
Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC) decontamination.
If chemical or biological contamination is expected, close all MCPS openings, such as windows, doors, and
stove pipe openings.
Perform unit level decontamination of the MCPS only under supervision
of unit NBC personnel.
If MCPS is set up, decontaminate the fabric around the entrance way area of nuclear, chemical or biological
contamination by applying STB slurry or brushing with hot, soapy water.
Prepare slurry by mixing approximately equal parts of water with STB. Use a swab, or broom to scrub slurry
into fabric.
Remove slurry promptly with brush (Appendix F, Section II, Item 2) and liberal quantities of water, preferably