TM 10-5410-224-14
(c) Replace latch by securing to personnel
(2) Removal and replacement of personnel end
end panel with two screws (21).
replace level mount (32), proceed as follows:
(4) Removal and replacement of personnel end
(a) Remove mason's level from level mount
replace retainers (19 and 20) proceed as follows:
(a) Remove safety cable from around
(b) Remove screw (30) and washer (31) to
retainers (19 and 20).
detach level mount (32).
(b) Remove screw (17) and washer (18) to
(c) Replace level mount by securing to
personnel end panel with screw (30) and washer
detach both retainers (19 and 20).
(c) Replace retainers (19 and 20) by securing
to personnel end panel with screw (17) and washer
(d) Replace level in level mounts.
(3) Removal and replacement of personnel end
(d) Reposition safety cable around retainers
(22), proceed as follows:
for storage.
(a) Release latch (22) from associated strike.
(b) Remove two screws (21) to detach latch