TM 10-5410-224-14
3-21. Personnel and Cargo End Panels.
and procedures for the removal and replacement of
a. General. There is a fixed personnel end panel
particular items attached to the end panels. The
and a fixed cargo end panel contained in the ex-
removal and replacement procedures are given in
pandable shelter center structure. The two end
the following subparagraphs.
panels contain doors which provide entrances for
(1) Removal and replacement of personnel end
personnel and cargo. The following paragraphs
contain inspection and repair information for the
replace jack support plate (18), proceed as follows:
personnel and cargo end panels.
b. Inspection. Check that all seals are secure.
(a) Remove jack from jack support plate
Check operation and condition of exterior light.
Inspect surface for damage. Check safety cables
(b) Remove two screws (16) and washers
and latches. Check lifting and towing eyes for
(17) to detach jack support plate (18) and spacer
condition and security. Check security and con-
dition of door hinges. Check operation and security
(c) Replace jack support plate and spacer by
of door handles and linkage. Check doors for
securing to personnel end panel with two screws
proper sealing. Inspect door surface and vents for
(16) and washers (17).
(d) Install jack in accordance with
damage. Check security of steps to roof.
c. Repair. Repair procedures for the personnel
end panel and cargo end panel consist of shelter