TM 10-5410-224-14
If high winds exist, at least two men must
guide each foldout and swingout wall,
guide each swingout wall into position and
floor, and roof into place. Serious injury
hold it until it is secured.
can result from free-swinging units.
(4) Release inside and outside latches securing
Ensure that the two hinged D-rings (fig. 3-
foldout roof panel to swingout walls and foldout
12) on the ECU
panels are in a flat
and support foldout roof panel about two inches
for clearance.
(7) Fold foldout end wall to foldout
f l o o r panel and insure D rings are in
(5) Release latches securing foldout end wall
f l a t p o s i t i o n . Raise f l o o r p a n e l t o
end foldout floor panel to swingout walls. Rest
foldout end wall against roof support struts and
place all latches in stowed
f o l d o u t floor panel is in fully folded
p o s i t i o n , disconnect safety cables (fig.
Support foldout end wall to keep it from
S e c u r e safety cables
falling while swingout walls are folded.
Physically move the floor to check that
The shelter is designed for temperatures
the spring-loaded pins are engaged. Pins
between 25F (31.7C) and + 125F
should be flush in.
(51.7C). However, when temperature is
approximately OF (--17.8C) or lower, use
Hinged roof section weighs 150 pounds.
extreme care when unfolding end walls and
swingout walls. Since electrical cables can
place roof support struts in stowed position (fig. 3-
be brittle at these low temperatures, the
walls should be folded out slowly and
(9) Secure foldout roof panel using latches.
carefully. If possible, warm shelter before
(10) Repeat steps (2) through (9) for opposite
stowing cables.
end of shelter.
(6) Rotate right swingout wall into stowed
(11) Lower the shelter to the ground and
position (fig. 3-6) in center structure, then rotate
remove four jacks supporting center structure.
left swingout wall to stowed position. Right and
Place jacks in stowage on inside of center struc-
left are determined from the outside of the shelter,
facing the sides being folded. Use ball-lock pins
(12) Place equipment on center of floor of
(fig. 3-8) to
secure swingout walls and adjust nuts
center structure and secure using tie-down straps.
on ball-lock pins to secure swingout walls tightly
3-5. Reinstallation After Movement.
against the stops.
To reinstall the expandable shelter after
Floor and wall weigh approximately 375
3-6. Organizational Maintenance Tools and
organizational maintenance of the expandable
shelter are listed in TM 10-5410-224-24P (Repair
Parts and Special Tools List).
T h e tools and equipment issued for
organizational maintenance of the expandable
3-8. Organizational Maintenance Repair Parts.
Repair parts and equipment required for
(Maintenance Allocation Chart) of this manual.
organizational maintenance of the expandable
shelter are contained in TM 10-5410-224-24P
3-7. Organizational Maintenance Special Tools and
(Repair Parts and Special Tools List).
The special tools and equipment required for