TM 10-5410-224-14
(10) Install jacks at each corner of expanded
equipment chest stowed in the center structure
(11) Jack floor to horizontal position and lock
furnished with the shelter, are required to install
all swingout wall latches (both sides). Lock latches
the anchors:
on safety cables.
Five-pound sledge hammer
(12) Lower foldout roof panel with support
Crescent wrench
struts to meet foldout end wall and two swingout
The following procedures provide instructions for
walls. Latch foldout roof panel to walls inside
shelter. Latch the foldout floor panel and then the
(1) Basic anchor installation.
foldout end wall to the swingout walls.
(a) Insert driving rod on top of triangular
(13) Pin roof support struts in stowed
anchor into hole in end of driving rod.
(14) Repeat steps (5) through (13) above to
(b) Slip loop of holding handle over driving
expand second section of shelter.
(15) Check level of expanded sections and
(c) Place driving head on driving rod.
make adjustments as necessary.
(d) Support driving rod with holding
b. Ground Anchor Installation. Remove the 12
handle, and use sledge hammer to drive anchor
goround anchors, driving rod, holding handle,
driving head, and tie-down rings from the