TM 10-5410-223-14/1
(2) Clean both the area to be patched and the
Coated side of fabric (side with smooth slick surface)
patch, then apply and activate adhesive as
requires only one coat of adhesive. Uncoated side of
described in paragraph a., above.
fabric requires three coats of adhesive. The first coat
of adhesive should be applied within 30 seconds after
Clean and apply adhesive to the proper side of the
cleaning. If more than 30 seconds elapses, reclean
patch so that, after installation, the same color will
surfaces. Thin adhesive with a solvent as required to
be visible on the patch and the shelter.
obtain smooth brushing consistency.
(3) Join the adhesive surface of the patch to the
(3) Allow adhesive to dry to a tacky condition
adhesive surface of the shelter. Squeeze out all air
(approx. 15 minutes) before applying next coat. Test
bubbles between joined surfaces.
for proper drying of adhesive by lightly pressing
finger-knuckle against the adhesive surface. If there
The patch should be laid on gradually, one side on
is a snap when the knuckle is pulled away from the
the other or from the center to the edges, to minimize
adhesive, the surface is ready for another coat of
the possibility of entrapped air. Use two men to
apply patches larger than four inches (10. 16 cm), one
to hold the top edges up and away from prepared
surface while the other starts applying patch evenly
Drying time will differ under cold or extremely hot
and smoothly from the bottom. This will prevent the
weather conditions. In direct sunlight at 70F.
patch from wrinkling and forming air bubbles.
(21C.) or higher, the drying time required between
coats of adhesive is approximately eight minutes.
(4) Press the joined surfaces together using
roller provided in repair kit.
(4) Apply a second even coat of adhesive to
both surfaces. Allow second coat to dry to a tacky
Pressure is important for a good bond. Be sure the
condition as determined in step (3), then apply a
fabric is backed up against a smooth hard surface.
third even coat of adhesive.
(5) After pressing, dust the cemented areas
(5) Activate the adhesive surfaces by wiping
with talc.
the surfaces with a clean cloth wet (not damp, not
c. Patching Tears. Apply patches to the inside
dripping) with solvent.
and outside of a tear as follows:
(1) Trim off loose threads from the tear with
This activates the adhesive and makes the surfaces
shears provided in the repair kit.
ready for joining, which can be done up to eight
hours after second coat of adhesive. Otherwise apply
(2) From bulk material provided in repair kit,
one more coat of adhesive.
cut a patch large enough to allow a two inch (5.08
(6) Press the adhesive surfaces together using
cm) overlap beyond torn edges.
robber roller provided in repair kit. Be sure the fabric
(3) Clean the surface around the tear and clean
is backed up against a smooth, hard surface to
the applicable side of the patch. Apply adhesive as
provide pressure and ensure a good bond. After
described in paragraph a., above.
completion of cementing procedure, dust the
(4) Join the adhesive surface on the patch to the
cemented area with talc to cover up any exposed
adhesive surface on the Container, Service Ward.
Squeeze all air bubbles from between the adhesive
surfaces and use roller with pressure to bond the
Do not stress the cemented area for at least four
patch to the fabric. Dust the cemented area with
hours after cementing.
d. Repairing Cemented Seams and Replacing
b. Patching Holes. Apply patches to small holes
Cemented Parts. Repair separated or damaged
in fabric as follows:
cemented seams and parts as follows:
(1) Carefully peel the cemented parts to
Immediate repair of small pin or nail holes is not
separate, keeping the cloth soaked with solvent as
required. However, repair of small holes should be
made as soon as it is convenient to do so.
the parts are peeled apart. Examine the separated
parts for damage ad repair damage by patching or
(1) Cut a round patch from the bulk material
replacement, before re-cementing parts.
provided in the repair kit. Use a one inch (2.54 cm)
(2) Thoroughly clean surfaces to be cemented as
diameter patch for holes up to 1/16 inch (0.1588 cm),
described in paragraph a., above.
a two inch (5.08 cm) for holes up to 1/4 inch (0.635
(3) Apply adhesive as described in paragraph
cm) and a 3 1/3 inch (8.4667 cm) patch for holes up
a., above. Activate about 10 to 12 inches (25.4 to
to 1/2 inch (1.27 cm). For larger holes, cut a patch
30.48 cm) of the adhesive surfaces at a time as
large enough to allow a three inch (7.62 cm)
described in paragraph, above. Allow the activating
overlay beyond the edges of the hole.