TM 10-5410-223-14/1
(2) Remove drive screw (4) and disconnect
d. Inspection. Inspect all parts for wear and
end terminal (5) from wire rope (6). Remove wire
e. Repair.
(3) Remove locking screw (7) and pad (8) from
(1) Replace all worn and damaged parts.
outer tube (14).
(2) Replace an irreparable jack assembly.
(4) Drive out spring pin (9) and detach
f. Assembly.
wrenching stud (10), thrust washer (11), and seal
(5) Carefully slide out lower portion of the
During reassembly lubricate all mov-
jack, away from the outer tube (14).
ing parts with a suitable high-tem-
perature water- resistant grease NLGI
(6) Remove packing (13) and key (18) from
2 automotive chassis lubricant is sat-
the inside of outer tube (14).
(7) Remove two bearing raceways (15), thrust
bearing (16), and bearing support (17) from pro-
truding portion of lifting screw (33).
the plate (17) and secure with screw (15).
(8) Remove cotter pin (19) and pin (20) and
(2) Install the retracting tube (14) on the
detach base plate (21).
plate (17) and secure with pin (13) and cotter pin
(9) Remove cotter pin (22), pin (23), and two
spacers (24) from inner tube (34). Detach pivot
(3) Install a new grommet (11), if removed.
block (25).
(4) Install the plug (10) and screw (9).
(10) Remove caplug (26) from inside of inner
(5) Install the wire rope (8) and secure with
tube (34).
screw (7).
(11) Remove two pins (27), setscrew (28),
(6) Install the
ratchet (6) and wire
rope (5).
spring (29), and locking insert (30). Detach lifting
(7) Install the seal (4), washer (3) and stud (2)
nut (31) from inner tube (34).
onto the retracting tube (14) and secure with pin
(12) Remove lifting screw (33) and stop pin
(32) from inner tube (34).
g. Installation.
d. Inspection. Inspect all parts for wear and
and secure lower bracket with bolts.
e. Repair.
(2) Secure upper portion of jack bracket with
(1) Replace all worn or damaged parts.
pin and cotter pin.
(2) Replace an irreparable jack assembly.
4-24.1 Jack Assemblies (Shelter Serial No. 728
f. Assembly.
and Subsequent).
a. General. This paragraph provides mainte-
During reassembly, pack listing screw
nance instructions for jacks installed on shelter
with approximatley 1 oz. of MIL-G-
seial no. 728 and subsequent.
23827 grease.
b. Removal
(1) Install stop pin (32) on lifting screw (33).
(2) Screw lifting nut (31) onto lifting screw
taining hex-head screws and washers from the
(33) until threads catch.
upper mounting bracket.
(3) Install locking insert (30), spring (29), and
(2) Remove two hex-head screws and washers
setscrew (28).
from the lower mounting bracket and remove jack
(4) Install preassembled parts through the
top of inner tube (34). Align holes and install two
c. Disassembly.
pins (27).
(5) Install caplug (26) into inner tube (34).
nect wire rope (2) from ratchet wrench (3). Remove
ratchet wrench from its mounting bracket.
Change 2