TM 10-5410-223-14/1
(12) Align inner tube spline with key (18) in-
(6) Install pin (23), two spacers (24), and pivot
side the outer tube and slide preassembled com-
block (25). Secure with cotter pin (22).
ponents of inner tube into the outer tube. Proceed
(7) Install base plate (21) and secure with pin
until lifting screw appears through the opening on
(20) and cotter pin (19).
the top of outer tube and cannot go any farther.
(8) Assemble wire rope (6) and end terminal
(13) Install seal (12), thrust washer (11), and
(5). Secure to locking screw (7) with drive screw (4).
wrenching stud (10).
(14) Align wrenching stud holes with holes in
(9) Install wire rope (2) and secure with fer-
the lifting screw and install spring pin (9).
rules (1) to outer tube (14) and ratchet wrench (3).
g. Installation.
(10) Install packing (13) and key (18) into
(1) Position the jack (figure 4-25.1), and se-
their respective grooves inside the outer tube (14).
cure lower bracket using two hex-head screws and
(11) Install bearing support (17), thrust bear-
washers. Install screws and washers through top
ing (16), and two bearing raceways (15) onto pro-
holes only.
truding portion of lifting screw (33).
(2) Secure top mounting bracket with four
hex-head screws and washers through four top holes
Make certain to place thrust bearing
(16) between the two bearing raceways
18. Key
1. Ferrule (4 req'd)
19. Cotter pin
2. Wire rope
20. Pin
21. Base plate
4. Drive screw
22. Cotter pin
5. End terminal
23. Pin
6. Wire rope
24. Spacer (2 req'd)
7. Locking screw
25. Pivot block
8. Pad
26. Caplug
9. Spring pin
27. Pin (2 req'd)
10. Wrenching stud
28. Setscrew
11. Thrust washer
29. Spring
12. Seal
30. Locking insert
13. Packing
31. Lifting nut
14. Outer tube
32. Stop pin
15. Bearing raceway (2 req'd)
33. Lifting screw
16. Thrust bearing
34. Inner tube
17. Bearing support
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