TM 10-5410-223-14/1
b. Repair Procedure Using Plug Patches and
(0.0051 cm) gap on more than 40 percent of the rivet
head circumference shall not be acceptable.
(1) Mixing of two part adhesive. Mixing of
(g) A partial gap on a round surface is ac-
adhesive used for repair of honeycomb core shall be
ceptable, provided the rivet head bears at tangent
accomplished as follows:
(10) Trim the broken stem flush with the rivet
celerator to 100 parts base by volume.
(11) Firmly press on the installed rivet to
Adhesives and- solvents are highly flam-
assure tightness.
mable; perform work in well-ventilated area
d. Slide Fastener Repairs. Refer to TM 9-2865,
and away from fire.
Repair of Slide Fasteners, and the below listed in-
(b) Add the proper amount of adhesive base
structions to replace the airlock adapter slide
and accelerator to a mixing cup (from repair kit) and
mix thoroughly using a mixture paddle from the
repair kit. The pot life of the adhesive after mixing is
Use extreme care in cutting stitches to prevent
cutting or other damage to fabric.
45 minutes.
(2) Repairing honeycomb panel with damage to
(1) Remove stitching and take off old slide
one surface only. Repair damaged honeycomb panel
fastener. Replace with the No. 10 2/8 inch (0.635 cm)
as follows:
long slide fastener listed in repair parts manual.
(a) Trim the damaged area of the aluminum
(2) To stitch on a new slide fastener, place cover
facing using tin snips, circular saw or other suitable
on edge and run through a drop-table sewing
(b) With a knife, cut into the entire thickness
5-9. Honeycomb Panel Repair (General)
of the honeycomb, trimming the core to the same
a. General. The following procedures cover repair
using plug patches and adhesive, when repair is
applicable to the honeycomb parts of shelter.