TM 10-5410-223-14/1
Figure 5-3. Rivet inspection.
(b) A slight "'flash" caused by the pressure
(e) After stem trimming, stem can be
necessary to drive the rivet is acceptable within the
checked for tightness by applying a force of ap-
proximately ten pounds (4.5 kg) to the trimmed stem
(c) The configurations of installed rivets with
of the rivet, push steadily; do not strike. If the stem
the blind side visible shall be similar to those shown
is neither pushed out or loose, tightness is
(d) Superficial stretch marks which may
(f) Rivet head gapping shall be checked with
appear on the rivet are not detrimental to rivet
a 0.002 (0.0051 cm) feeler gage. Rivets with a 0.002
strength and are acceptable.