TM 10-8340-222-10
Pitching Tent.
Spread tent on ground with eave corners
matching bottom corners.
Drive a 16-inch pin at each of the eight
tent corners. Attach a footstop to each of the four corner
pins at front and rear of tent. At each of the four side
corners, attached two footstops to one pin (1, fig. 2-12).
Drive the twelve 24-inch pins according to
ground plan.
Attach guy lines loosely to long pins.
Remove corner footstops from 16-inch
pins, insert eave poles through eave grommets, and
tighten guy lines until poles are vertical (3).
Raise tent ridge by inserting spindle of a 9
foot pole through hole in metal plate and grommet at
ridge at front of tent, and spindle of the other 9 foot pole
through hole in metal plate and grommet in other end of
ridge (4).
Secure jumper lines to center poles and to
eave poles with two half hitches (5).
Reattach the 12 corner footstops to the 8
corner 16-inch pins. Drive the remaining twelve 16-inch
pins and attach footstops to them.
Tighten all guy lines.