TM 10-8340-222-10
the bail ring. The man at the top end raises the pole and
walks towards the butt end. The man holding the center
guy line assists by maintaining a taut line as the pole is
raised. After the pole reaches such a height that it might
swing off center, the men holding the other two guy lines
spread out slowly to keep the pole balanced until it is in
a perpendicular position. Then the guy lines are
attached to the pins indicated on the ground plan.
Erecting the Other Two Center Poles (5, fig.
2-6). The other two center poles should be erected as
described in (4) above, except that one guy line leads to
the outside pin on the direct center line of the long
dimension of the tent layout. After poles have been
erected, straighten them, and remove marker stakes.
Tighten all center pole guy lines.
Together and to Bail Rings (6, fig. 2-6).
Unfold the two middle sections and the
two end sections. Spread sections on ground in position
on tent area around the three center poles.
reinforcement line by chainlacing beckets through grom-
mets, securing the last becket through the last grommet
with a knot (1, fig. 2-8).
Secure eave corners of sections together
by lashing tieline through thimble on eave corner of one
section and through thimble on eave corner of the other
section (2, fig. 2-8).
Pull extension cloth over chain lacing, lace
extension cloth lacing line diagonally through ring
chapes, and tie end of line through eave corner thimbles
(2, fig. 2-8).
Attach hooks on single blocks to small
rings of bail ring assemblies off the ground about 1 foot
(fig. 2-9).
Secure sections on tent together at neck
by lashing tieline on each side of neck through thimble of
one section and through thimble of the other section (fig.
Fasten thimbles at necks of sections to
bail rings by lacing neck lacing lines of two sections
around bail ring and through thimbles (fig. 2-9).
Unlash drift lines and put ends of lines
through bail ring assemblies close to poles (fig. 2-9).
Figure 2-8. Steps in lacing top sections together (tent, assembly, M-1942).