TM 10-8340-222-10
Folding End Sections (2, fig. 2-10). Fold each of
the two end sections in half along the long dimensions
and then in half again. Then, in 2½a-foot folds, fold
ends toward center.
Folding Wall Sections (3, fig. 2-10). Fold each
of the four wall sections in half along the long dimension.
Then, in 2½2-foot folds, fold ends toward center.
Putting Folded Sections Into Six Separate
Covers (4, fig. 2-10). Put folded sections into six
separate covers. Place each middle and end section in
a separate cover; place two wall sections in a separate
cover. Fold flaps stretcher bearers passage without
emitting light.
Windows . The tent has three 24-inch square
window sashes, made of flexible translucent material.
The sashes are inserted in window openings and held in
place by snap fasteners. Canvas flaps cover the window
during blackouts.
Ventilation. The tent is ventilated by an opening
near the top of the rear end section. The ventilator has
an inside duct, which may be closed by a tie cord. The
ventilator hood is of the fixed type, constructed with a
stiffener inserted in the hem to keep it extended out from
the ventilator opening. For additional ventilation, the
sidewalls can be rolled up and the sidewall screens
Heating. The tent is heated by an M-1941 tent
stove. There is a stovepipe opening built in the top of
the tent near the rear center upright pole. When not in
use, the opening can be protected by a canvas flap.
Liner. A liner is provided with the tent. The liner
can be attached to the tent to insulate it against heat or
cold. The liner, when attached, covers only the main
part of the tent; it does not cover the vestibule.
Cover. The tent is provided with a cover for use
when it is in storage or is being transported.
2-8. Erecting (Pitching) Command Post Tent (M1945)
The command post tent can be
pitched by five men in approximately
20 minutes.
Ground Plan. Before pitching tent, study the
ground plan carefully (fig. 2-11).
Figure 2-11. Ground plan of tent, command post, M-1945