TM 10-7310-281-13&P
0018 00
0018 00-2
Crossway Cable (24VDC). The 15ft crossway cable connects the power converter and the 24VDC, 4 branch
cable. The fielding contractor will drill the necessary holes in the trailer frame and install cable clamps below the
deck in preparation for this installation. The cable will be furnished with the MBU equipment and installed by the
unit. For instructions on installing the Crossway Cable, refer to WP 0019.
Figure 4-2 MKT Modification (Crossway Cable)
Feeder Cable Harness. The second modification involves the installation of a feeder cable harness connecting
the 110Vac power cord extension to the power converter. The modification also provides two ground fault circuit
interupt (GFCI) 110 VAC utility outlets. The fielding contractor will complete this installation. There are no unit
responsibilities involved in this modification.
Figure 4-3 MKT Modification (Feeder Cable Harness)
Power Converter Mounting Bracket. A third modification involves the installation of a power converter
mounting bracket assembly onto the floor of the MKT cooling cabinet. The fielding contractor will install the bracket
into which the unit will install the power converter received with the MBU shipment.
Figure 4-4 MKT Modification (Power Converter Mounting Bracket)