TM 10-5410-221-14/1
(2) Connect other end of wires to terminals 2, 3 and 4 on
(4) Clean label area of distribution box with
terminal board (60, fig. 6-7, sheet 2 of 5). Connect wires
cleaning solvent to remove all traces of adhesive and
to terminals 1, 3 and 5 of circuit breaker (101, fig. 6-7,
remove protective backing from labels (89 and 90, fig. 6-
sheet 5 of 5).
7, sheet 3 of 5). Press firmly into position on distribution
(3) Connect wires (86 and 87, fig. 6-7, sheet 3 of 5)
box and smooth out any wrinkles or air bubbles under
to toggle switches (85).
(4) Connect other end of wire to terminal 2 toggle
(5) Place nut plate in position and secure with rivet
switch (85). Install screw to connect electrical wire (88,
(77). Replace lamp (79), gasket (76), retainer ring (75)
fig. 6-7, sheet 3 of 5) to
terminal 2 on
circuit breaker
and secure with washer (74) and screw (73).
e. Repair. Repair the distribution box assembly as
(5) Close circuit breaker panel cover door.
required to return to a serviceable condition as follows.
(1) Inspect distribution box assembly for damaged
6-29. Distribution Box Assembly
nicks, dents, or scratches. Dress all nicks and scratches
with emery cloth. Replace damaged clip nuts, fasteners,
a. General. The distribution box assembly is a
and nut plates in accordance with disassembly and
metal structure used to house the electrical components
assembly procedures outlined in steps c. and d. above.
of the power distribution electrical system (fig. 6-7).
Minor dents are acceptable as long as function or fit of
b. Removal. Remove the distribution box assembly
the distribution box is not affected.
using figure 6-7) as a guide and observing the following.
(2) Inspect distribution mounting brackets for
(1) Remove electrical wiring harness assemblies
damage and misalinement. If possible, straighten any
bent or misalined brackets by means of a vise, pliers, or
(2) Disconnect all shelter harness assemblies and
(3) Repaint distribution box assembly by applying
wires running to and from box using section III as a
primer and allowing to air dry 18 hours or 30 minutes at
1500F. (66C) to 3000F. (149C) and painting with paint
(3) Remove bolts and washers used to secure the
conforming to Federal Standard 595, color match No.
distribution box to the shelter walls and ceiling. Remove
24516. Air dry 18 hours or 30 minutes at 150F.
the distribution box.
(66C)to 300F. (149C). Apply new labels to repainted
c. Disassembly. Disassemble distribution box as
distribution box in accordance with step d(4) above.
required to replace damaged parts according to
f. Installation. Install the distribution box using figure
6-7 as a
guide and observing the following:
observing the following.
(1) Place distribution box in proper position and
(1) Remove screw (73, fig. 6-7, sheet 3 of 5), washer
secure with bolts and washers.
(74) and remove lamp retainer ring (75), gasket (76),
(2) Replace electrical wiring and components in
rivet (77) and nut plate (78). Remove lamp (79).
(2) Remove self adhesive labels (89 and 90) by
peeling from surface of distribution box.
(3) Remove fastener stud (92, fig. 6-7, sheet 4 of 5)
from door assembly by removing pin (93) from stud (92).
Remove fastener receptacle (91) from distribution box by
a. General. The circuit breakers (101, fig. 6-7, sheet
removing rivets.
5 of 5) provides protection against damage resulting
(4) Remove bolts (94) and clip nuts (95) which
from an overload in the electrical circuit through the
secure relay mounting bracket to distribution box.
sterilizers of X-ray receptacles. The circuit breakers
(5) Remove damaged nut plates (97) by removing
rivets (96).
reaches 50 amperes. Opening of the circuit breaker is
d. Assembly. Using figure 6-7 as a guide, assemble
indicated by the extension of the reset button. The circuit
the distribution box as follows:
breaker is reset by pressing in on the reset button.
(1) Replace nut plates (97, fig. 6-7, sheet 4 of 5) and
b. Removal. Remove circuit breakers (101, fig. 6-7,
secure with rivets (96).
sheet 5 of 5) as required to replace damaged or
(2) Replace clip nuts (95) and bolts (94) on
defective circuit breakers as follows.
distribution box.
(3) Replace fastener receptacle (91) and secure with
rivets. Position fastener stud (92) in door assembly hole
and replace pin to secure.