TM 55-8115-200-23&P
(d) Paint repaired area in accordance with
Specification MIL-T-704. After cleaning and treat-
ing, apply two coats of olive drab, rust-inhibiting,
semi-gloss paint, (item 2, App. D). Allow overnight
drying between coats.
(e) If necessary, install plywood panel (para
(2) To repair the sheet metal panels of an
empty container when damage is major, i.e., large
(a) Remove paint from damaged area.
(b) If necessary, remove plywood panel
(para 4-3).
(c) Cut the damaged area such that a piece
of metal can be placed over the damaged area (fig.
4-1) .
(d) Apply repair sheet metal over all of the
damaged area providing at least two inch overlap
all the way around.
(e) Weld the repair metal around the entire
perimeter with E6017 electrode, (item 1, App. D).
(f) Paint repaired area per subparagraph g
(1), (d).
(g) If necessary, install plywood panel
(para 4-3).
4-5. Corner Posts, Side and End Rails.
a. Burn out damaged section (fig. 4-4) being
careful not to burn adjacent panels unless they too
are to be replaced.
b. Clean burned area with grinder and wire
c. Tack weld replacement section into place and
check for deformation. The splice plate as illus-
trated in figure 4-4 shall extend for a minimum of
12 inches on each side of damaged area.
d. Weld section and recheck for deformation.
4-6. Floorboard Replacement. If floorboard is
damaged, cracked or warped 10 feet (3 m) or more,
replace the whole board (fig. 4-5); less than 10 feet
(3 m) floorboard is to be spliced (refer to para 4-7).
a. Remove self-tapping phillips head screws and
remove damaged board.
b. Caulk area where exposed floor and sills meet.
Place new board in position.
c. Drill 0.221 inch diameter holes through wood
and steel cross members. Make sure new holes are
drilled in cross member.
d. Using self-tapping screws, seat screws in posi-
tion and drive screws below floor level. Break off ex-
posed portion of screws underneath container by
using a piece pipe or equivalent as a lever.
4-7. Floorboard Repair. Repair a damaged floor-
board section as follows:
a. Saw out damaged portion of floor along face of
moss member (fig. 4-6). Splice must span at least
four cross members and angle iron attached to cross
member must extend beyond and be attached to the
adjacent floorboard on each side of splice. No more
than three splices are allowed per container floor.
b. Weld to cross member, a steel angle 1/8 inch
thick by 1 inch by 1 inch. The angle iron must be at-
tached to cross members by welding each end to pre-
vent rotation and along the bottom by spotting two
inch welds six inches on center. Cross members
must be sound (fig. 4-7).
c. Caulking is an acceptable method of making
the floor weather tight.
d. Drill 0.221 inch diameter holes through wood,
angle support and cross members.
e. Using self-tapping screws, seat screws in posi-
tion and drive below floor level. Break off exposed
portion of screws underneath container by using a
piece of pipe or equivalent as a lever.
f. A forklift test as outlined below will be ap-
plied if in the judgement of the inspector, any other
forms of damage or signs of deterioration exist
which might indicate that the container floor is
structurally unsound.
(1) Support the empty MILVAN Container on
its four corner posts so that the floor cross members
are clear of the ground (approximately 6 inches).
(2) Load a 4000 lb (1814 kg) lowmast forklift
with 4000 lb (1814 kg) weight safely located at the
end of the forklift tines.
(3) Run the forklift down the center line of
the container to the forward end wall and back out.
Continue this procedure for both the left side and
right side of the container.