TM 55-8115-200-23&P
Containers numbered less than
12000 have liners on sides as well as
front. Containers numbered 12000
and higher have plywood liners
only on the front of the container.
4-3. Plywood Liners. Replace damaged plywood
panel as follows:
a. Removal.
(1) Insert a flat steel chisel between the drive-
screw head and the plywood panel and shear off the
drivescrew head. (Refer to fig. 3-2.)
(2) Using a suitable driftpin, drive out the re-
mainder of the drivescrew.
(3) Remove plywood panel and retainer.
b. Installation.
(1) Position plywood panel and attach kick
plate and/or retainer with adhesive.
(2) Drill 3/16 inch diameter holes through
plywood, kick plate, and rails so that drivescrews
will not use previously bored holes.
(3) Using drivescrews 3/16 inch diameter with
5/16 inch grip, insert and drive screws into rails.
Make sure panel is tight against rails when driving
4-4. Corrugated Panels. Replace damaged panel
section as follows:
a. If necessary remove plywood liner (para 4-3).
b. Cut damaged corrugated panel from rails, headers,
and/or corner posts, being careful not to burn the support
unless it is also to be replaced.
c. Clean burned area with grinder and wire brush.
d. Tack replacement panel into place (fig. 4-3) and
check for deformation before final welding. If deformation
of the container configuration is evident, dimensions must
be checked. The over-all dimensions and the variation of
diagonal distances between opposite corner fittings must
be within tolerances as indicated in paragraph 1-8.
e. Paint repaired area in accordance with Specification
MIL-T-704. After cleaning and treating, apply two coats
of olive drab, rust-inhibiting, semigloss enamel paint,
(item 2, App. D). Allow overnight drying between coats.
f. If necessary, install plywood panel (paragraph 4-3).
Change 44-3