TM 55-8115-200-23&P
d. Door Assembly Repair (containers numbered
12000 and higher):
All door components are welded.
To remove any integral part of door, cut off the item that
must be removed and grind down the work area. Mark
the position for the replacement item and tack weld it into
Frictionless Bearings Can
Be Deformed By Heat
Carefully draw a bead around the entire component.
Be especially careful when welding around hinges and
locking arms that have integral frictionless bearings.
These bearings can be deformed or destroyed by the
heat of the welder. If bearings are deformed by heat,
replace entire door component, Paint welded and
ground area as shown in MIL-T-704. Repair door
gaskets in the same manner as described in (6)(c)
above, substituting pop rivets for staples to secure
retaining strips.
e. Door Gasket Repair (containers numbered
12000 and higher)
(1) Secure door in open position so that gasket
is easily reached.
(2) Drill through rivets holding retaining strip
to door. Use drill size of 3/16 inch (maximum).
(3) Remove old gasket material completely.
Use shears to cut along 45 degree edge at gasket
(4) Use putty knife to remove any material that
is attached to the frame. Do not leave any material
attached to door, heat or chemicals may have caused the
gasket to stick to the frame.
(5) Use shears to cut new gasket out of gasket
The old gasket should be used as a
template, Be careful to cut the 45 degree corners
(6) Place new gasket material onto door, Be
sure that 45 degree corners touch over their entire
(7) Position holdown strip to cover entire door
edge. Assure that holes in holdown strip and door
frame line up.
(8) Insert one pop rivet at the top edge (for
vertical gasket sides) or left edge (for horizontal).
Then, keeping gasket smooth and in contact with
the door frame, complete inserting rivets.
(9) Use hot knife method to join old and new
gaskets at 45 degree corners: Using an open flame
torch, heat a putty knife so that it melts the gasket
material slightly on contact. Run the knife down the
45 degree corner, melting both gasket edges. Press
the two gasket pieces together immediately. The
gaskets will harden together, forming a continuous
surface. Practice this on scrap before attempting it
if you are not familiar with the method. Never use
open flame on the gasket itself.
(1 0) Release door and move it from closed
position to full open position to assure that it seals
but does not get in the way of the doors swing.
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