TM 55-8115-200-23&P
(d) Install a wood insert treated for water resis-
tance. The metal face may then be reglued and secured
around the perimeter by wood screws 1/2 inch long, spaced
every 3 inches. Delamination of the metal surface is accept-
able if the door forms a water/air tight seal when closed and
secure. Pop riveting is an acceptable means of patching the
door, as long as it does not penetrate the inner surface of the
(e) Weld the repair metal around the entire
perimeter with E6017 electrode, (item 1, App. D).
(f) Paint repaired area in accordance with Speci-
fication MIL-T-704. After cleaning and treating, apply two
coats of olive drab, rust-inhibiting, semi-gloss enamel
paint (item 2, App. D). Allow overnight drying between
b. Water Test After Repair. After any major repair
to an empty container, a stream of water from an 0.5-inch
nozzle at 15 psig shall be applied to all joints and seams. No
water entry into container is permissible after repair.
c. Door Assembly Repair. (Containers numbered
less than 12000).
(1) To remove door or any integral part of door
where it is fastened with HUCK pins or standard carriage
bolts, use a cold chisel. Split HUCK collar or nut along hor-
izontal centerline and remove pin or bolt as required.
(2) After damaged door is repaired, check all exist-
ing bolt holes for being out-of-round, distorted, etc. Where
it is required, drill damaged and/or distorted holes to a
larger diameter and insert a wood dowel pin of a sufficient
diameter and 1 1/16 inches long and sand smooth.
(3) Replace door or any integral part of door by
placing replacement part in position and using as a tem-
plate to drill 11/32 inch diameter bolt holes through door.
Insert required HUCK pin, apply collar, and tighten with
HUCK wrench.
In lieu of fasteners, use 3/8-16 by 2 inch long
carriage bolts with nuts.
(4) To replace a hinge and/or hinge pin, proceed as
(a) Burn weld off end of hinge pin and remove
(b) Remove fasteners securing hinge to door
using a cold chisel. Split HUCK collar or nut along horizon-
tal centerline and remove pin.
(c) Check hinge bolt holes for being out-of-
round, distorted, etc. Where required, drill damaged or dis-
torted hole to a larger diameter and insert a wood dowel pin
of a sufficient diameter and 1 1/16 inches long and sand
(d) Replace hinge by placing in position on door
and using as a template to drill 11/32 inch diameter hole
through door. Insert required HUCK pin, apply collar and
(e) Install hinge pin and check operation of door
for alignment. Adjust hinge if necessary.
(f) Tack weld end of hinge pin.
(5) Minor repairs to door sealing gaskets can be
accomplished by applying adhesive-backed PVC gasket
tape to damaged area, or by splicing with new gasket
material. To splice gasket, remove damaged area and
replace with new gasket material. Tape splice with adhe-
sive backed PVC gasket tape.
Where possible, cuts should be made behind
hinges or guide plate assemblies.
(6) Replace a damaged door gasket as follows: (fig.
(a) Remove staples and aluminum retaining
strips that secure gasket to door edge and remove gasket.
In some instances, it may be advantageous to remove the
top and bottom lock-bar ends to facilitate removal and
installation of gaskets.
(b) Thoroughly clean all edges of door by sand-
ing, peening, etc.
(c) Stretch new gasket (item 5, App. D) over
door edge. Make sure the larger lip of gasket faces the out-
side of the door. New gaskets should be installed at ambient
temperature of 70 degrees F (21 degrees C) or above.
(d) Install new aluminum retaining strips on the
inside channel of gasket and staple to door edge, with a
staple gun, at approximately three inch (7.6 cm) centers.
Check operation of door for mating of gasket with door
opening surfaces. If a hang-up and/or fold-back occurs,
iron out gasket by inserting a piece of plywood 3/4 inch
thick and 3 inches wide in the channel section of gasket and
carefully apply heat to the outside surface with an open
flame torch. Allow gasket to cool thoroughly before
closing door tightly.
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