TM 10-9925-100-12&P
Refer to Operation Under Usual Conditions (WP 0005 00), for specific operating instructions, and use this
work package for further instruction if operating the CC under unusual conditions. Read all sections that
apply to the conditions to which the CC will be exposed.
Unusual conditions include severe weather, such as 90 or 100 percent humidity for a week or more; 320
Fahrenheit (zero degrees Centigrade) or below temperatures for a week or more; 1000 Fahrenheit (380
Centigrade) or above temperatures for a week or more; blowing sand or dust; heavy rain or snow.
Operation in extreme heat (moist and dry) conditions. Keep the vestibule doors and windows closed
and operate the ECUs as required.
Operation in extreme cold conditions. The CC is designed to be capable of operation in temperatures
of 250 Fahrenheit. Temperature sensitive items will be stored separately in a controlled environment of
400 to 700 (F) and will be kept as ISO "Just in Time" items to prepare for movement. An Army Space
Heater (ASH) can be included to provide supplemental heating during operation in extreme cold
Operation in snowy or muddy conditions. Ensure the CC vestibule doors and windows are closed.
Also see operation in extreme cold conditions, detailed above.
Operation in dusty or sandy conditions. Keep the vestibule doors and windows closed. Place filters
over the ECU intakes. Refer to TM 9-6115-671-14 and TM 9-4120-398-14.
Operation in rainy and/or humid conditions. Keep the vestibule doors and windows closed. Operate
the ECU as required. Refer to TM 9-6115-671-14 and TM 9-4120-398-14.
Operation in high altitude conditions. Refer to TM 9-6115-671-14 and TM 9-4120-398-14.
Operation in Nuclear, Biological, Chemical (NBC) Environment. The CC is
not designed to be
operational in NBC environments. If provided sufficient threat warning of an imminent NBC attack, the CC
should be repacked in its ISO container IAW packing instructions in WP 0005 00, to provide maximum
NBC Decontamination Refer to FM 3-5 `NBC Decontamination' for Immediate, Operational and
Thorough Decontamination procedures of the packed CC. Once the exterior of the ISO container has
been decontaminated, all of the packed components must be checked for contamination by trained NBC
personnel and appropriately decontaminated (if necessary) before they are used.
0006 00-1/(2 Blank)