TM 10-8340-227-13&P
12. Fly is reversible, providing for required camouflage
condition. Position fly so that proper camouflage is facing
down, with reverse side up. Locate vent flaps near center
of fly on reverse side. Open and securely fasten flaps
with tie tapes.
13. Locate stove pipe shield flap on reverse side of fly.
(Stove pipe shield flap will align with stove pipe shield on
tent when fly is turned to proper camouflage side. ) Open
and securely fasten with tie tapes.
14. Turn fly to required side for camouflage condition.
Drape over pitched tent and frame, making sure fly
opening is aligned with a tent door.
15. Secure fly with adjustable hook at four corners by
attaching to "D" rings. (See Fig H). [NOTE: Adjustable
hooks may be attached to pole legs if "D" rings are
damaged or missing. ] Adjust position and tension of fly
by loosening or tightening webbing thru adjustable hooks.
(See Fig. G).
Figure G
Figure H
16. Fasten adjustable hooks to "D" ring at center of two
sides of tent (excluding the door). Adjust tension of fly at
these points. After entry, fly may be secured at each side
of door.
1. Stake corners of tent through rope beckets, using 9"
"V" trough aluminum stakes. Square and tension floor
before driving tent stakes at an angle with top of stakes
away from tent. (See Fig. I). Repeat staking at center of
tent sides. In the arctic, 12" or 18" steel stakes should be
used. In sand a "dead man" should be used if high winds
are expected.
Figure I
NOTE: Door flaps may be extended as an awning by
tying ropes through each corner
Figure 2-1. Instruction Label (Sheet 3 of 5)