TM 10-7360-211-13&P
Change 7 2-3
2-3. PMCS INTRODUCTION. Operator preventive maintenance checks and services are to be done to be sure the
equipment is ready to use at all times. PMCS helps you find and fix defects before the equipment is damaged or fails
a. General.
(1) Before you operate, always keep in mind the WARNINGS and CAUTIONS. Perform your before (B) PMCS prior
to the equipment performing is intended mission.
(2) While you operate always keep in mind the CAUTIONS and WARNINGS. Perform your during (D) PMCS when
the equipment is being used in its intended mission.
(3) After you operate, be sure to perform your after (A) PMCS after the equipment has been taken out of its mission
(4) If your equipment falls to operate, troubleshoot with proper equipment. Report any deficiencies using DA Form
2404, Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet. See DA PAM 738-750.
PMCS Procedures.
(1) The purpose of the PMCS table is to indicate the order in which checks are to be done, as well as to indicate
when they are to be done.
(2) The first column of the table provides the item number (order) for accomplishment of checks and services.
Column two (interval) provides when they are to be done. Application intervals are before (B), during (D), and after (A) use.
(3) The "Equipment Is Not Ready/Available" if column contains the criteria that will cause the equipment to be
classified as not ready/available because of inability to perform its combat mission.
(4) Report deficiencies in accordance with DA PAM 738-750. Correct deficiencies in accordance with the
"Procedures/Check for and have Repaired or Adjust as Necessary" column and trouble-shooting procedures contained in
Table 3-1.
(5) Perform PMCS for the tent in accordance with TM 10-8340-224-13 or TM 10-8340-240-12&P.
(6) Perform PMCS on the M2 burner units in accordance with TM 10-7360-204-13&P.
(7) Perform PMCS on the MBU in accordance with TM 10-7310-281-13&P.
Use Table 2-2 item number column to get the numbers for the "'TM Item Number"
column of DA Form 2404, Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet in
recording results of your PMCS.