TM 10-7360-208-13&P
General. The MFK components that must be prepared and included for movement to a new site are listed in
Appendix C. Refer to TM 10-8340-224-13 to strike the tent, and FM 10-23 for lantern data.
Serious injury could occur if heavy equipment is moved/lifted without sufficient personnel to do
the job. Use proper physical lifting procedures or use a suitable lifting device or dolly. Wear
safety shoes, gloves and other suitable protective clothing.
Do not use abrasives to dean griddle. Use of abrasives will destroy anodized protective surface.
As required, clean all MFK components in hot, soapy water. Rinse with dean water and dry
thoroughly prior to disassembly and packaging.
Disassembly. Disassemble the MFK and prepare for movement as follows:
Allow the M2 burner units and lanterns to cool before releasing air pressure from fuel tanks. Do not smoke
and make sure there is no open flame in the vicinity. Fuel fumes are explosive and highly flammable.
Bleed all M2 burner units and lanterns of air before storage.
Drain all fuel from equipment into fuel can before movement or
(1) M2 Burner Units. Prepare the M2 burner units for movement as follows:
Remove the M2 burner units from the food preparation equipment. Drain the gasoline tanks and
prepare the M2 burner units for movement in accordance with TM 10-7360-204-13&P.
(b) Return M2 burner units to respective burner racks.
The MFK is issued with six M2 burner units, but there are nine
open burner rack cavities. For disassembly and movement, retain
the M2 burners in the following:
Two Oven Assemblies (One M2 burner unit in each)
One Heater Tank Assembly (one M2 burner unit)
Two Cooking Pot Cradle Assemblies (one M2 burner unit in each)
One Griddle Assembly (one M2 burner unit in double burner rack)
Change 6 2-33