TM 10-5410-284-13&P
TM 10602A-13&P
0005 00
0005 00-16
Extension of Length. The Extension of Length joins two Lightweight Maintenance Enclosures. If you
are authorized to use the Extension of Length, refer to the Additional Authorization List (WP0044) for
more information.
Ensure that the site for the new LME is clear, level and free of debris. Erect the new LME as near as
possible to the existing one, allowing working space for personnel. Observe all warnings and cautions
regarding lifting of the structure. Follow the procedures detailed in this work package regarding frame
assembly and fabric installation, but do not install the End Fabric Section nearest the existing LME.
Install the Extension of Length (1) at the end of the structure nearest the existing LME (2), lacing it to
the Intermediate Fabric Section.
Lift the structure as detailed earlier in this work package observing all warnings and cautions. Gather
personnel and move the structure until both are aligned and touching.
Using the Painter*s Pole (3) (also listed on the AAL), gently push the Extension of Length (1) up
between the two structures until the fabric, guy lines and web straps are on the roof of the existing