TM 10-5410-223-14/1
c. Inspection.
(10) Install deep draw cans (12, fig. 6-3, sheet 1
(1) Inspect all parts for wear and damage.
of 2), if removed.
(2) Inspect the raw panel for cracks, breaks,
(11) Install inserts (11), if removed.
dents and holes.
(12) Install angles (10) and secure with washers
d. Repair.
(9) and bolts (8).
(1) Replace worn and damaged parts.
(13) Install strikes (7) and secure with washers
(2) Repair damaged roof accordingly.
(6) and screws (5).
e. Overhaul. Overhaul the folding floor assembly
(14) Install closeout (4) and half hinge (3) and
as required to return to serviceable condition as per
secure with rivets (2) and screws (1).
section III.
g. Installation. Use a suitable lifting device,
f. Assembly.
position the folding floor assembly and secure with
(1) On shelter serial No. 630 thru 727 only. In-
hinge pins.
stall shim (36, fig. 6-3, sheet 2 of 2) and hasp staple
6-4. Left and Right Hand Access Door Assembly
(35) and secure with screws (34).
Removal procedures listed below are appropriate for
p a n e l (37) and install rivets (30 and 32)
both door assemblies.
a. Removal.
(3) Install castings (29) and secure with rivets
and loosen and/or remove mounting screws.
(4) Install inserts (26 and 27), if removed.
(5) Install angles (25) and secure with washers
3), and loosen and/or remove mounting screws.
(24) and bolts (23).
(6) Install rubber strips (22) and secure with
3 of 3), away from shelter wall.
rivets (21).
(7) Install box (20) and nut (19).
(8) Install vial (17) in bracket (18) and secure
with cups (16).
(9) Install level assembly (15) and secure with
washers (14) and screws (13).
6-10, Change 1