TM 10-5410-223-14/1
the air lock light assembly in the reverse order of
c. Inspection. Inspect all parts for wear and
numerical disassembly.
f. Installation. Place the air lock light assembly
d. Repair. Replace all worn and damaged parts,
on the air lock assembly locking tab and secure.
including the complete assembly, if irreparable.
Section VIII.
4-18. General
drill bit with the same diameter as the original rivet
hole. The drill must be held perpendicular to the
This section in many cases will require the removal
surface to prevent enlargement or damage to the
and replacement of rivets and inserts and repair to
existing hole. Drill through just deep enough to
honeycomb paneling. General instructions as listed
sever the rivet head from the shank.
below are to be utilized when such requirements
(b) Remove any remaining rivet with a pin
punch and remove any burrs from rivet hole.
4-19. Honeycomb Paneling
(3) Rivet replacement. Select a rivet of the
a. Pop Rivet Replacement.
proper diameter and length and install as follows:
(1) Storage and handling. Rivets must be
stored in the original labeled packages. The
Proper length of rivet to be used shall be determined
packages shall be kept closed when not in use to
by measuring the actual thickness of materiel
prevent dirt, grit, metal chips, etc., from coming in
through which the rivet will go and then selecting
contact with the lubricated stems.
(2) Removal. Rivets which are damaged or used
diameter is important as blind rivets installed in
oversized holes will not retain the stem satisfactorily.
for securing a replaceable part shall be removed as
Undersize holes will not permit proper pull-in of
(a) Drill through the center of the rivet. Use a