TM 9-2330-275-14&P
a. M689.
Do not attempt to lift shelter until
both dollies are attached. Lifting
shelter with one dolly may damage
shelter or dolly.
(1) Using four personnel, operate four lifting-
Ieveling jack handles (1) clockwise at same time, until shelter
(2) is just clear of ground.
(2) Fully tighten four bolts (3) holding front (4) and rear dollies (5) to shelter (2).
(3) Continue lifting shelter (2) until mechanical stop is reached.
b. M832 (Except SN J089-001 thru 159 and J017-160 thru 350) and M840
Do not attempt to Iift shelter until both dollies are attached. Lifting shelter with one
dolly may damage shelter or dolly.
(1) Rotate release valve lever (6) at front
of each hydraulic pump (7) to PUMP position.
(2) Using two personnel, operate
hydraulic pumps (7) until shelter (2) is Iifted and all four
support struts (9) are fully extended.