T.O. 10M1-7-9-1-1
TM 11-5895-1021-14/1
TM 08045-15/1
Table 1-1. Related Publications (Continued)
Publication Title
Publication Number
Operation and Maintenance Instructions
T O 10H9-22-1
TEREC Downlink Equipment
Figure 1-1. Typical Imagery Interpretation Segment
1-3. An Imagery Interpretation Segment consists of one or more Imagery Interpretation Shelters deployed in a manner
similar to that shown in figure 1-1. The shelters may be operated on jacks as shown or may remain attached to mobilizers.
There are six different configurations of Imagery Interpretation Segments covered in this manual. The difference between
the various configurations is the type and number of Imagery Interpretation Shelters in the segment. Table 1-2 lists the six
Imagery Interpretation Segments and the type of shelters contained in each. Table 1-3 lists equipment that is required but
not supplied and the Imagery Interpretation Segment to which the equipment applies.
It should be noted that there are possible segment configurations other than those discussed in this manual. For
example, an A-shelter may be connected to as many as two other A-shelters and any combination of three I, IA, or Radar
Monitor System (RMS) Shelters.
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