TM 55-4920-376-14&P
d . To fold the Tent Side Piece, P/X AA4920-7016-30-2,
a) Fold tenting lengthwise in zig-zag fashion for a
total of 15 folds.
b) Fold tenting crosswise in halves, white side
c ) Again fold tenting crosswise in thirds as indicated
indicated in illustration; tenting edge will be
o u t e r m o s t . W h e n so folded, the side piece forms a
bundle 16 inches wide by 19 inches long and about
2 1/2 inches thick.
e. To fold the Tent Top Piece, P/N AA4920-7016-30-1,
p r o c e e d as follows: ( R e f e r to Figure 6)
a) Fold the two flaps in upon the larger square as
s h o w n in (A), Figure 6. Fold with white sides
f a c i n g each other.
b ) Fold the TOP piece into halves as shown in (B),
c ) Fold the bundle lengthwise as shown in (C), Figure 6.
d ) Fold the bundle in thirds as indicated by dotted
l i n e s in (D), Figure 6. When so folded the TOP
piece forms a bundle 10 inches wide by 24 inches
l o n g and about 2 1/2 inches thick,
f . Dismantle the tent poles and laterals and stow securely
i n s i d e t h e s h e l t e r . S t o w all tent poles and laterals
p l a c e d diagonally from one corner to the opposite corner
and flat on the floor.
Lower the hinged covers.
Secure the locking hasp at one end of the hinged covers.
Special transporter adapters on each end of the Air Mobile
S h e l t e r (See Figure 1) permit a four-wheeled remountable running
g e a r to be attached to the shelter for ground mobility. The adapters
a r e designed for use with the Transporter/Mobilizer, FSN1740-