TM 10-8340-243-13&P
Type I
The Type I MCPS is the original MCPS tent system. It is equipped with plain (uninsulated) wall liners
only, and does not have provisions to accommodate Space Heater, Convective (SHC) or ECU ducts.
The Type I may only be single-line complexed as issued. Door openings on Type I MCPS tents are off-
center, and are fitted with a standard TEMPER vestibule.
Type III
The Type III MCPS is fitted with window and plain walls that may accommodate SHC and ASH ducting. A
full set of insulated liners is shipped with the tent. An entrance wall with a centrally located door opening
may be fitted with a standard TEMPER vestibule, as well as adapted as a bootwall interface for a number
of systems.