ARMY TM 10-8340-224-13
5-5. GENERAL. Direct Support maintenance functions identified in
Section II, Appendix B, consist of repairing or replacing
components that are riveted or sewn, welding new and broken
parts, and replacement of electrical components in the power
control and light set. Procedures for machine stitching are
provided in paragraph 5-6. Specific tentage repair procedures are
provided in FM 10-16. Procedures for removal and replacement of
rivets are discussed in paragraph TC 9-510. Refer to TC 9-510 for
information on metal repairs. Procedures for electrical component
repair are provided in paragraphs 5-14 and 5-15.
5-6. MACHINE STITCHING. All stitch types, except bartacking,
shall conform to FED-STD 751. Type 301 and 401 stitching requires
5-7 stitches per inch. Bartacking shall be 1/8 inch in width and
free of thread breaks and loose stitching.
a. Thread Breaks. Thread breaks in stitching shall be
overstitched not less than 1 inch at each break on stitch type
301, and not less than 1 1/2 at each break on stitch type 401.
Thread breaks in type 401 may be overstitched with stitch type
301. Thread breaks noted during inspection must be repaired by
overstitching the existing stitching starting from a distance of
1 inch beyond the break. The ends of repair stitching are not
required to be backstitched.
b. Stitching Ends. The ends of type 301 stitching shall be
overstitched not less than 1 inch except where ends are turned
under in a hem or held down by other stitching. Where 301
stitchings performed automatically on stitch patterns such as
box, box with cross-stitch, W stitching or straight line
tacking, at least three tying, overlapping, or back stitches
shall be used to secure the ends of stitching.
c. Skipped Stitches. Two or more consecutively skipped
stitches occurring in type 301 stitching shall be overstitched
not less than 1 inch. Any skipped stitches in type 401 stitching
shall be overstitched not less than 1 1/2 inches. Skipped
stitches in 401 stitching may be overstitched with type 301
Skipped stitches noted during inspection shall be
repaired as specified for thread breaks in a., above.
5-7. AUTOMATIC STITCHING. Automatic stitching machines may be
used to perform any of the required stitch patterns provided the
requirements of the stitch pattern, stitches per inch, size and
type of thread are met, and at least three or more overlapping,
tying or backstitches secure the ends of the stitching.