B-1. Scope
This appendix lists items which accompany the
frame-type tent or are required for installation,
operation, or operators maintenance.
B-2. General
This basic issue items list contains a list of
items which accompany the tent or are required
for the installation, operation, or operators
B-3. Explanation of Columns
The following provides an explanation of col-
umns in the tabular list of Basic Issue Items,
section II.
a. Source, Maintenance, and Recoverability
Codes (SMR), Column (1) :
(1) Source Code, indicates the selection
status and source for the listed item.
Applied to repair parts which are stocked
in or supplied from GSA/DSA or Army
supply system, and authorized for use at
indicated maintenance categories.
(2) Maintenance Code, indicates the lowest cate-
gory of maintenance authorized to install the listed
item. The maintenance level code is:
b. Federal Stock Number, Column (2). This
column indicates the Federal stock number for
the item.
c. Description, Column (3). This column in-
dicates the Federal item name and any addi-
tional description of the item required. A part
number or other reference number is followed
by the applicable five-digit Federal supply code
for manufacturers in parentheses. Repair parts
quantities included in kits, sets, and assemblies
are shown in front of the repair part name.
d. Unit of Issue, Column (4). This column
indicates the unit used as a basis for issue, e.g.,
ea, pr, ft, yd, etc.
e. Quantity Incorporated in Unit rack, Col-
umn (5). This column indicates the actual
quantity contained in the unit pack.
f. Quantity Incorporated in Unit, Column
(6). This column indicates the quantity of the
item used in the functional group.
g. Quantity Furnished With Equipment, Col-
umn (7). This column indicates the quantity of
an item furnished with the equipment.
h. Quantity Authorized, Column (8). This
column indicates the quantity of an item au-
thorized the operator/crew to have on hand or
to obtain as required. As required items are
indicated with an asterisk.
i. Illustration, Column (9). This column is
divided as follows:
(1) Figure number, column (9) (a). In-
dicates the figure number of the illustration in
which the item is shown.
(2) Item number, column (9) (b). Indi-
cates the callout number used to reference the
item in the illustration.