Figure 1-3.
tions to make a tent 40 feet long.
This tent serves as a maintenance
Door winch and transom chord assembly.
(fig. 1-1) .
shelter for
the missiles and for personnel performing
maintenance and assembly functions.
(b) For general use as a vehicle main-
tenance shelter in temperate and arctic areas,
the end section can be issued alone or with any
number of intermediate sections up to a maxi-
mum of seven. When issued alone, the end
section provides the frame for a tent 8 feet
long, 20 feet wide, and 14 feet high. When
seven intermediate sections are issued, the tent
length is 64 feet.
c. Outer Fabric. The outer fabric or skin
(fig. 11) is made of 12.29 ounce duck material.
It is tire, water, weather, and mildew-resistant
treated. It is issued with combinations of end
and intermediate sections. End sections are
approximately 4½ feed wide and 40 feet long;
intermediate sections are approximately 9 feet
wide and 40 feet long. Width is the distance
between frame arches, with an allowance for
a 6-inch overlap. Length is the curve of the
arches. Each end section contains a vehicle
door, a personnel door, a ventilator, and two
heater ducts. Each intermediate section con-
tains a plastic window, screen, and blackout
d. Tent Liner. The tent liner is made of 8.5
ounce, natural color, corded cotton sateen cloth.
It is fiberglass-insulated and fire and mildew-
resistant treated. The liner is also issued in
end and intermediate section combinations that
match the outer skin.
e. Anchoring System. The erected tent is an-
chored to the ground by means of steel pins,
arrowhead-type, ground anchors and guy as-
1-4. Tent Frame
a. Arch Assemblies. The end arches (1, fig-
1-2) consist of five segments (4). Each seg-
ment has captive hex bolts (5) that protrude
through it. These bolts attach purlins (6) to
the arch. The intermediate
ches (7) also
consist of five segments each. Each segment
contains purlin stud holes (8) to receive the
studs of the connecting purlins.
b. Door Winch and Transom Chord Assembly.
Each end arch is equipped with a door winch
and transom chord assembly. The door winch
is operated by a hoist chain to raise and
lower a vehicle door. The chain is attached to
a winch (1, fig. 1-3) by means of a roller chain
and drive sprocket. It rotates a hoist shaft (2)
and drums (3) to which hoist cable assemblies
are attached.
c. Purlin Assemblies.
(1) The long (8-ft) purlin assemblies (1
fig. 1-4) connect intermediate arches. One end
of these purlings has a flange with a stud (A). .
The other end has a flange with an insert (B).
The basis of issue for these purlins is 13
per intermediate section; 52 for a 40-foot tent
and 91 for a tent 64 feet long.