Section I.
1-1. Scope
a. These instructions are published for the
use of the personnel and organisations to
whom the lightweight frame-type tent is is-
sued. Chapters 1 through 3 provide information
on the operation, daily preventive maintenance
services, and organisational maintenance of
the equipment, accessories, components, and
attachments. Chapter 4 provides information
for direct and general support maintenance.
Operating instructions include proper proced-
ures for erecting and striking the tent.
b. Appendix A contains a list of publications
applicable to this manual. Appendix B contains
the basic issue items list. Appendix C contains
the maintenance allocation chart Appendix D
contains the organizational, direct and general
support maintenance repair parts and special
tools list.
c. Numbers in parentheses on illustrations
indicate quantity. Numbers preceding nomen-
clature callouts on illustrations indicate the
preferred maintenance sequence.
1-2. Forms and Records
a. DA Forms and records used for equipment
maintenance will be only those prescribed in
TM 33-760.
b. Report of errors, omissions, and recom-
mendations for improving this publication by
the individual user is encouraged. Reports
should be submitted on DA Form 2028 (Rec-
ommended changes to DA Publications) and
forwarded direct to the Commanding General,
U.S. Army Mobility Equipment Command,
ATTN: AMSME-MPP, 4300 Goodfellow Bou-
levard, St. Louis, Mo. 63120.
1-3. Description
a. General. The tent, lightweight, frame-type
expandable, consists of a metal frame, an outer
fabric or skin, and a tent liner. The tent in-
cludes an interior lighting and electrical out-
let assembly which can be connected to an
appropriate power source. Heat may be pro-
vided through ducts in the outer skin and
b. Frame. The metal frame consists of two
end arches, intermediate arches, connecting
purlins, and cantilever-type door assemblies.
Each arch consists of 5 interlocking segments
and has a total curve of approximately 40 feet.
The arches are connected by pulrins, which
am supplied in 4 and 8-foot lengths. Each door
assembly, connected to an end arch, consists
of right hand and left hand door post assembly
with control arms, and a connecting member,
known as the door winch and transom chord
(1) End section. Two end arches, each with
a door assembly ; an intermediate arch; and
26 four-foot purlins are issued as an end sec-
(2) Intermediate sections. An intermedi-
ate section consists of an intermediate arch
and thirteen 8-foot purlins. The intermediate
sections allow the tent frame to be expanded
by 8-foot lengths. The number of intermediate
sections issued with an end section depends
upon tent use.
(a) When used in conjunction with the
HAWK or CORPORAL missile system, an end
section is issued with four intermediate sec-