TM 10-8340-205-13&P
(5) When a tent is pitched on a slope, a honzontal platform should be formed. The snow which is
removed may be packed around the outer edge of the platform to widen the space for the tent.
(6) High winds, common in cold regions, requires that tents be anchored securely and that tent pins may
not provide sufficient anchorage. Place snow, blocks of snow or ice, stones, logs, or other heavy
objects on the cloths to help anchor the tent.
Use Pin, steel, 12-inches (30.480-cm) long or Pin, steel, 9-inches (22.860-cm)
long for hard or frozen ground. (Refer to Appendix E, AAL).
(7) Do not attempt to drive wooden tent pins into hard, frozen ground if the force required is excessive.
Instead, chop small holes into the ground, insert tent pins into holes, and fill holes with slush or
water; in a short time the tent pins will be firmly anchored. When removing pins from the frozen
ground, always chop them out; never hammer them sideways to break them loose.
c. Operation in Wet Climate.
(1) The following instructions supplement the instructions contained in paragraph 2.7.
(a) When possible, erect the tent on a mound which slopes in all directions.
(b) If the tent is erected on flat terrain composed of heavy soil or clay, dig a trench around the
tent To carry water from the trench, dig an outlet ditch from the trench to the lowest point in
the area.
When the tent is set up on very sandy soil, which quickly
absorbs water, or when it is located on a mound which slopes
in all directions, a trench may not be necessary.
There should be enough slope in the trench so that the water
will flow freely toward the outlet and not back up.
(c) When digging the trench, throw the dirt away from the tent. Never throw it against the tent
because it will quickly rot the tent fabric In most cases, do not dig the trench more than 4 or 5
inches (10 or 1 2-cm) deep.
(d) When there is a possibility that water may flow to the trench from high ground, dig a ditch
that will divert the water before it can reach the tent.
(e) Before the tent lines become water soaked, loosen them sufficiently so that when they shrink
they will not pull the tent pins from the ground nor tear the tent fabric. However, the lines
must remain slightly taut.