TM 10-8340-205-13&P
Figure 2-16. Tent Bundled In Tent Cover.
a. Operation in Extreme Heat.
(1) Ventilate with all available ventilations.
(2) Raise tent walls to awning position opposite direct rays of the sun. Change to other side after
midday. Raise all walls after sundown.
b. Operation in Extreme Cold.
(1) Before selecting a site on snow covered ground, prod surface with a satisfactory tool to see
whether or not snow conceals any crevices. It may be impossible to find an area entirely
without crevices, but it is possible to avoid accidents by knowing where they are.
(2) When an adequate site on snow has been found, pack snow hard by stamping on it, or better
still, shovel top snow off until firm snow is found below.
(3) Pitch tent so that entrance is not directly downwind. If the tent is pitched on snow with the
entrance directly downwind, the entrance may become blocked, since snow tends to pile up
in the lee of any object.
(4) If site is not temporary, dig tent into snow. This will provide better protection from the wind.
In open terrain with a strong wind, it may be necessary to build a snow wall on the windward
side of the tent to protect it from the wind; thus the tent is easier to heat and is less likely to
blow down. Leave some space between sides tent and snow wall to have room to shovel out
snow that may drift Into tent.