TM 10-5410-284-13&P
TM 10602A-13&P
0005 00
0005 00-24
The LME should not be operated with one end closed and one open.
This causes a wind sock effect and can cause damage to the
Operation of Doors. Personnel and vehicle doors are located at each end of the structure. These can
be rolled to the inside and secured open with attached buckles if desired,0 or left closed in inclement
weather or blackout conditions.
Operation of Windows. Four windows are located on each side of the structure. These consist of three
layers: a fabric cover on the outside, a screen on the inside, and a clear plastic window in the middle.
The fabric cover and the plastic windows are closed by hook and pile fasteners. The fabric cover can be
held open with tie tapes. These must be rolled up towards the inside to prevent rain from being trapped
within the folds.
Operation of Power Distribution Box. The operation of the power distribution box, once connected to
a power source, consists of the following:
Operation of the interior lights using the LIGHTS switch. After the 25 ft light cord has been connected to
the receptacle marked LIGHTS ONLY, the interior lights are turned on and off using this switch.
Operation of the circuit breakers. The circuit breakers are operated to reset the breakers that may have
tripped due to circuit overload or short.
Operation of the LIGHTS ONLY receptacle. The 25 ft light cord is plugged into this receptacle only. It
must be connected before the lights can be operated with the LIGHTS switch.
Operation of the utility receptacles. Electrical equipment and power tools operating on 120V may be
plugged into these receptacles.
Operation of Lights. The lights are operated using the LIGHTS switch located in the Power Distribution